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How much is Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series?

Written By Unknown on Monday 10 June 2013 | 08:47

How much is Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series? This question certainly gets into the head of anyone who sees this car on the road. And surely everyone knows what is before them - a very expensive and very skillfully executed an exclusive. But I got an answer casually tossed the phrase "about twenty million" to cope with slack-jawed will be very difficult. Yes, 20 million rubles! If you restored the articulation and gulped valeryanochki, I will continue.

Can a car at all cost so much? Can! Dumbfounded questioning "why?" I answer, oddly enough, with ease: for the most-most in the world "Mercedes". The most powerful and fastest car in the history of this company. The rarest of the currently issued. And that's why the most expensive.

Cars Black Series - Black Pearl collection AMG. The first-born of this series appeared in 2006 - it was the SLK 55 AMG Black Series. A year later, we were shown the CLK 63 AMG Black Series. And it's all the machines that were created as a Safety Car for the most famous races in the world - for Formula 1.

Yes, Bernd Mailänder - a man who for more than a decade carries for a peloton of the best riders in the world, - Mercedes-Benz has always given the best of everything. He is now, for example, drives a SLS AMG. At the very SLS, which appeared much later SL 65 Black Series, surprised everyone "gull wing", won their behavior on the road and "delicious" exhaust sound, but none more powerful, faster than any of the "Black Series" was not.

Close to SL for power ratings and dynamic characteristic only real supercar McLaren SLR - dorogushchee one more confirmation of the status of the world's elite Mercedes-Benz. But it is, frankly, a bit does not hold. Just because up to SL 65 AMG Black Series is not as easy to reach 670 horsepower!

И могучая лавина момента, искусственно ограниченная на уровне 1000 Нм, - для того, чтобы при каждом старте не перемалывать в железную крошку шестеренки коробки передач и заднего редуктора. Потому что на самом деле этот мотор способен выдать невероятные 1200 Ньютон-метров!

Oh, this famous engine! Six liters, three valves per cylinder - we remember him on the legendary "six hundred." Now a version with two turbines and it is present in the "normal» SL 65 AMG, which produces "only" 612 forces. However, before you install it on the Black Series supplied by other turbochargers, modified intake, release and re-configured to flash the "brains." Result - 670-hp, totally uncompromising "beast" that lives under the long carbon-fiber hood.

Made of carbon fiber for many body parts: the trunk lid, an active rear spoiler, front bumper, diffuser and ... fixed roof. Yes, in contrast to the production roadster SL, from Black Series no folding roof - with all its guts ripped out, replaced by an ultra-light carbon equivalent. As a result, Black Series has turned out 250 pounds (!) Lighter civil SL 65.

Ground clearance is 105 mm and the stiffness that any other "Mercedes" can only dream of in a nightmare - not best mates when driving on Russian roads is not refined. There's no pneumatics - conventional steel springs and shock absorbers. But not all so simple: If desired, the owner of the "Black Series", in addition to hardness, compression and rebound strokes can adjust ride height, and even camber. But do all of this in real life, outside the race track? The question wrong - rather, it should be: whether to torment this car riding around the city?

This monster, bursting with all the fervor of their air intakes, clad in baggy 325th "bast" on the rear wheels and dressed in a suit, the fitting of which is clearly seen stylists hand DTM, incredibly closely not like in the city - close to him, even at relatively spacious suburban highway.
Born To Kill. It's about him. Black Series is ready to kill and roast, and then immediately eat alive anyone who gets in his way. Or even someone who sits behind the wheel.

Ему неведомо слово «милосердие». Он ниего не знает о снисходительности. Он рвет и мечет, пытаясь зацепиться колесами, шириной, как у грузовика, за несчастный, ни в чем неповинный асфальт. На низших передачах на любое перемещение педали газа он реагирует рывками задней оси, с удовольствием расширяя «стартовую площадку». Его разгон неистов, неукротим и весьма своеобразен.
На первых двух передачах SL едет рывками: шины цепляются за дорожное полотно, бросают две тонны алюминия и карбона на некоторое расстояние вперед и тут же теряют сцепление. Мигает лампочка ESP, чуть подтормаживая нагруженные колеса, покрышки вгрызаются в асфальт и снова устрашающий рывок.
Цифры? 3,8 секунды до «сотни». Если это не очень впечатляет, тогда так: 11 секунд до 200 километров в час! Черт побери, всего 11 секунд! За это время водитель Ford Focus в лучшем случае переключится со второй на третью передачу…

On machines with motors multiliter often say that the intensity of the crackdown "is not falling, and after 150 kilometers per hour." So, for a "Mercedes" is the "seeds." Black Series is ready to accelerate and at 250 kilometers per hour! Where most conventional, even very, very fast cars, has abut the stopper. Suppose that we have not lightning fast - to continue to "drown" in such speeds can only real race cars. I overclocked to 270 kilometers per hour. More - anywhere. And not safe.

Accelerate to 300 kilometers an hour, and then suddenly precipitate a near halt - such exercises are Black Series with fantastic ease. I can not believe that even after the ease of this car weighs nearly two tons. Grasp the brakes just as brutal as the traction motor. A kind of counterweight, which allows for even greater braking experience congestion than during acceleration.

But the Black Series, of course, is not just for "dregovyh" disciplines. SL 65 AMG - a mixture of incredible sharpness and sensitivity of the steering wheel with a radically hard for our roads suspension, brakes and daring monstrously powerful engine.

Возвращаясь в начало, к цене в 20 миллионов, – теперь я хочу спросить: «Понятно, за что?» Правда, большинство людей на нашей планете вопрос цены «Черной серии» вряд ли коснется напрямую. Во-первых, тираж SL 65 AMG Black Series ограничен всего 350-ю экземплярами, из которых 200 отправятся в США.
Во-вторых, в мире не так много людей, способных выложить за автомобиль – каком бы он ни был – более полумиллиона евро. А для тех, кто способен, сумма, в общем-то, не имеет никакого значения.


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